

B.PAC’s B.MOBILE initiative intends to conceptualize the idea of sustainable mobility for the citizens of Bengaluru. B.PAC and Uber have partnered for a study on "Sustainable Mobility for Bengaluru". The objective of the partnership is to bring together all the mobility service providers, civic groups, citizens, think tanks and government officials among others to discuss and deliberate upon the topics of Regulatory ecosystem in Bengaluru Mobility, Incentivizing shift from private to public transport ,First and last mile connectivity to public transport, Sustainable and Green Transport.

Uber’s mission is to create opportunity through movement. We started in 2010 to solve a simple problem: how do you get access to a ride at the touch of a button? More than 10 billion trips later, we're building products to get people closer to where they want to be. By changing how people, and things move through cities, Uber is a platform that opens up the world to new possibilities.

The discussion will be focussed on two themes – ‘Efficient Transport Bengaluru’ and ‘Sustainable Transport Bengaluru’, wherein, a series of roundtable and workshop with the stakeholders and citizen group will be organized. Following are the workshop topics under each theme –


  • Regulatory Ecosystem in Bengaluru Mobility
  • Incentivising Shift From Private Transport
  • First and Last Mile Connectivity Options in Bengaluru Mobility


  • Infrastructure in Mobility – Sustainable and Green Transport

At the culmination of the engagement, a report on ‘Sustainable Mobility for Bengaluru’ will be produced with inputs received from the stakeholders, subject matter experts and citizen interaction. This report will address the as is scenario on the above topics and also highlight the desired mobility for the city.

Regulatory Ecosystem
in Bengaluru Mobility

Regulatory Ecosystem in Bengaluru Mobility

There are multiple regulatory challenges that prevent new mobility service providers to offer sustainable mobility solutions in Bengaluru. Therefore, there is a need to understand the existing regulatory bottlenecks specific to the state of Karnataka and work towards creating a conducive regulatory ecosystem for shared mobility services.

Incentivising shift from private transport

Incentivising shift from private transport

Bengaluru has a lower share of public transport lagging behind Mumbai, Kolkata, and Delhi. The higher levels of congestion and pollution levels in the city require policy push and infrastructure for the use of public transport by various models of incentivizing which promotes a shift from private modes to public transport.

First and Last Mile Connectivity Options in Bengaluru Mobility

First and Last Mile Connectivity Options in Bengaluru Mobility

The usage of public transport can be promoted by ensuring seamless first and last-mile connectivity options. At present, there is no formal integration of first and last-mile connectivity service providers with the public transportation system. The first and last-mile gap could efficiently be solved through low cost and sustainable solutions.

Infrastructure in Mobility – Sustainable and Green Transport

Infrastructure in Mobility – Sustainable and Green Transport

The mobility options in the city while addressing the aspects of affordability, speed and comfort should also focus on sustainability. Through a policy push for the usage of alternate fuels and by provision of required infrastructure, green transport could be promoted in the city which is efficient and sustainable.

About the Sustainable Mobility For Bengaluru Report

As per the results of the TomTom Traffic Index, a report detailing the traffic situation across 417 cities in 57 countries, it is found that Bengaluru stands to be the most traffic congested city in the world. This stands evidence for the latent congestion in the city and the personal experiences of millions of commuters whose daily commute is tedious, time consuming and toxic. This situation urgently calls for action and signifies the need for stakeholders in the city to explore new age mobility options that will support existing and upcoming public transport infrastructure and augment its use.

Public transport in the city has failed to keep up with the demands of its rapidly expanding urban population. Bengaluru, one of the fastest-growing metropolitan cities in the country, is plagued with the inadequacies of its unsustainable transportation network. Consequently, the city suffers from lower share in public transport usage, which can be attributed to the steady rise in private vehicle ownership.

The share of private vehicles in the city surged by a massive 280% between 2007-2020, amounting to 2.1-8 million vehicles. The public transport infrastructure, which takes up a low 48% usage, is frightfully scant to cater to increasing demand in the city. Between 2011 and 2019, the fleet strength of BMTC was increased only by 7.89%, whereas the population increased by 32% (BMTC; Voters list 2019; Census report 2011).

The mass transit infrastructure planned for the city are projects of long gestation, which means they will only be fully operational in a couple of years. The tentative date put forth by BMRCL for the completion of subsequent phases of metro and suburban railways, i.e. phase 3 and 4, is 2022; the focus on increasing public transportation in this interim period is solely shouldered by BMTC. Therefore, it is important to focus on new mobility alternatives and solutions that will smoothly facilitate this transition while simultaneously increasing the ridership of public transport to resolve congestion.

The objective of this report is to suggest short term, medium term and long-term actions to achieve the aspirational goal of 80% ridership on public transport in Bengaluru by 2030. Towards this objective, the study proposes the following:

  1. Reviewing existing regulatory framework for mobility in Bengaluru and proposing recommendations to create a conducive environment for new mobility service providers.
  2. Proposing incentives and disincentives to encourage the usage of public transport and discourage private ridership respectively, in Bengaluru
  3. To review the existing first and last mile options and propose practical solutions to bridge the last mile gap from public transit
  4. Assessing the policies and framework for sustainable and green mass and shared mobility and suggest way forward

To access the full report click here

To access the presentation on the initiative click here