The Right to Information: A Milestone in Indian Governance
The RTI Act, 2005, empowers citizens, ensuring transparency andaccountability in governance. Learn about its impact, history, and effectiveness in India.
Union Territories of India
What are Union Territories? Union territories are areas under the direct control and administration of the Central government of India. Evolution of Union Territories The concept of union territories came about in 1956 with the 7th Constitutional Amendment Act and the States Reorganisation Act. Interestingly, some former union territories have achieved statehood. Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, and […]
13 Facts About India’s New Parliament Building
The new Indian Parliament, unveiled on May 28, 2023 and a core part of the Central Vista Redevelopment project, stands as a triangular edifice with lion-capitol on top. As India prepares for the 18th Lok Sabha, let’s familiarise ourselves with some interesting facts about the new Parliament where the future of our country will take shape. Progress Through Architecture: Need […]
Fair Boundaries, Sustainable Development
India, a land of diverse cultures and landscapes, is experiencing rapid urbanisation. With the urban population expected to reach 600 million by 2030, cities are becoming the epicentre of economic growth and social transformation. However, the burgeoning urban population brings along a myriad of challenges, from inadequate infrastructure to environmental degradation. In this context, the correct delimitation of cities […]
What is an electoral bond and what are its features?
Introduction of the Scheme of Electoral Bond Introduced in 2018, the Electoral bonds are financial instruments launched by the Government of India for individuals and organizations to donate money to political parties. Electoral bonds are issued by authorized banks and can be purchased by any Indian citizen or company incorporated in India. The primary objective behind the introduction of electoral […]
Model Code of Conduct
The principle of ‘one person, one vote, one value’ underlines the Universal Adult Franchise (UAF). Since 1950, India has embraced the UAF, granting every citizen the right to vote and have a voice in the government, which is elected every five years. The most recent election took place in 2019, and as the five-year term draws to a close, […]
Report a Breach in the Model Code of Conduct with the cVIGIL Mobile App, Empowering Accountability for Fair Elections
A beautiful aspect of Indian democracy lies within its intricate system and vastness, where voices of every creed, color, and culture resonate, where every vote carries significance, shaping the destiny of India. Central to this democratic ethos is the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) developed by The Election Commission, that outlines a framework to conduct free and fair elections, […]
A Code for Integrity: Understanding the Model Code of Conduct for Ethical Election
The Model Code of Conduct (MCC), a meticulously crafted ethical framework by the Election Commission of India (ECI), stands as a beacon of integrity in electoral contests. Its primary objective is to uphold the principles of fairness, integrity, and transparency throughout the electoral process.
Decoding Electoral Literacy Understanding its Essence and Importance
Democracy is often hailed as the cornerstone of modern political systems and the backbone of a robust nation. What exactly fuels this backbone? It’s the citizens themselves, armed with civic and electoral knowledge and a deep understanding of their rights and responsibilities. In contemporary society, it’s evident that a vast majority of citizens harbor opinions on their country’s politics […]
National Voters’ Day: From Inception to Impact
In the kaleidoscope of democracy, the profound truth resonates: “If you don’t vote, you lose your right to complain.” Though our democracy has progressed, the importance of the power of a vote to usher in democracy is yet to be fully realised by every citizen of the country. The inception of National Voters’ Day in India is rooted in the […]