N L Narendra Babu
Constituency: Mahalakshmi Layout
Party : Congress
Accused in cases 0
No cases convicted 0
Serious IPC counts 0
- B.Sc. from MES College
- 2 time MLA
- Three time Corporator
Declared Assets
Movable Assets (in Rs) |
Immovable Assets (in Rs) |
Total Assets (in Rs) |
Liabilities (in Rs) |
Year |
73,35,494.0 | 11,55,805.0 | 1,42,15,500.0 | 1,53,71,305.0 | 2013 |
Detailed Performance Report
Restoration of Lakes | 6.4 |
Better Public Transport | 5.8 |
Water Supply and Quality | 5.5 |
Security for Women | 5.4 |
Public Facilities I Basic Amenities – Parks, Public Toilets, Quality Footpaths, etc. | 4.9 |
More Hospitals/Primary Health Care Centers | 5.9 |
Source: Daksh Citizen Survey , Citizen Matters