Krishnabyre Gowda
Constituency: Byatarayanapura
Party : Congress
Accused in cases 0
No cases convicted 0
Serious IPC counts 0
- Post Graduate in International Relations
- Was the president of the State Youth Congress. He was appointed as one of the general secretaries in the recent KPCC revamp
Declared Assets
Movable Assets (in Rs) |
Immovable Assets (in Rs) |
Total Assets (in Rs) |
Liabilities (in Rs) |
Year |
2,27,66,490.0 | 3,99,36,000.0 | 6,27,02,490.0 | 74,31,000.0 | 2013 |
Detailed Performance Report
Public Facilities I Basic Amenities -Parks,Public Toilets, Quality Footpaths, etc. | 5.6 |
Trafiic Management | 5.6 |
Restoration of Lakes | 5.3 |
Better Electric Supply | 4.1 |
Water Supply and Quality | 4.8 |
Better Garbage Clearance | 4.6 |
Source: Daksh Citizen Survey , Citizen Matters
Response to B.PAC questionnaire on the candidate’s agenda