B N Vijaykumar
Constituency: Jayanagar
Party : BJP
Accused in cases 0
No cases convicted 0
Serious IPC counts 0
- BE in Civil Engineering
- City general secretary of BJP for almost 12 years
- Active in many social organizations and movements
- Leadership you can trust” is his punchline and his his manifesto
Declared Assets
Movable Assets (in Rs) |
Immovable Assets (in Rs) |
Total Assets (in Rs) |
Liabilities (in Rs) |
Year |
36,26,765.0 | 1,40,00,000.0 | 1,76,26,765.0 | 0.0 | 2013 |
Detailed Performance Report
Better Garbage Clearance | 5.5 |
Water Supply and Quality | 6.1 |
Reservation for Jobs and Education | 5.5 |
Parking Facility CD | 5.6 |
Better Employment Opportunities | 5.5 |
Better Law and Order/Policing | 4.9 |
Source: Daksh Citizen Survey , Citizen Matters
Response to B.PAC questionnaire on the candidate’s agenda