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Paedophilia at our doorstep!

By |Categories: B.SAFE, Child Safety|

This vandal act in a Bangalore school is a crime that opens our eyes in many different ways. It tells us that we are a “Big City” with typical “Big City” problems gnawing at all of us. It opens our eyes to the fact that even our little ones are not away from the dirty touch of such acts. In [...]

It shouldn’t hurt to be a child…

By |Categories: B.SAFE, Child Safety|

Okay, here’s a rapid-fire: 1. What is the most dreaded question to a parent from a child? 2. What is the question that most parents avoid answering directly? 3. What is the topic that parents always hope their children will get to know through some other means but not from them? 4. What is the topic that always gets communicated [...]

Do you want to be the change?

By |Categories: B.SAFE, Child Safety, Women Safety|

All of Bangalore was rocked last week by the shocking news of an innocent six-year old being raped in her school. Our newspapers scream child rape and molestation every single day. Not to mention women being raped in every corner of the country. Only, they scream from the pages that do not technically make “headlines”. So, what was different about [...]

Speak Out

By |Categories: B.SAFE, Women Safety|

I’m 30 years old. I’m a travel columnist who has had the fortune to travel widely across South-East Asia, Central America and India. Many a time, readers ask me how my family and I were brave enough to live in El Salvador or travel to Nicaragua. “Aren’t they dangerous places?” They ask.Sure, some of the regions we’ve visited do have [...]

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