
Project Description

Should Mayors be directly elected?

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

A directly elected mayor should be a political option, not a constitutional decree. Each time an Indian city is hit by a major urban crisis, we hear exasperated queries about why our cities are so dysfunctional. While there are multiple reasons for India’s urban woes, one of the underlying problems is the absence of powerful and politically accountable leadership in [...]

Road Transportation Issues in Bengaluru

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

Driving on the streets of Bengaluru requires a particular set of skills – and a key skill seems to be how to survive in an environment that does not seem to have any rules! The extreme congestion during peak hours and all day congestion in certain sections of the roads can be categorised under the “3 Es”: Engineering, Education & [...]

CSR Funds Alleviate Traffic Jams at Whitefield, Bangalore

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

Perhaps the best idea to come out of the Government of India in recent times was to require companies (beyond a certain size) to set aside 2% of their post-tax income towards investments of social value. Used properly, this can be a powerful fuel for localities and their corporate denizens to collaborate to solve local problems. We’re seeing some of [...]

Mayors as leaders of Indian Cities

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

Any avid reader of superhero comic books will tell you that apart from the superhero with supernatural powers, it is the mayor of the city where the tale is set, who wields the most power and authority. These representations of mayors do not stem entirely from the imagination of the comic-book creators but are based on the authoritative figures cut [...]

Beyond Carlton: Born out of an Accident

By |Categories: B.SAFE|

Birth is considered a painful process. It however results in a new life being born – a joyous occasion for most. In our case, it was the needless loss of 9 innocent lives on a February 2010 afternoon that gave birth to a citizen-led movement on fire safety. From the ashes of the Carlton Tower fire was born Beyond Carlton, [...]

How Technology can Empower Farmers

By |Categories: B.PROUD|

Correlation between economic opportunities and spread of technology is a well established principle around the world. India, with its exponential rise in the use of wireless telephony matched with rural penetration is on a cusp to provide this economic access to the rural populace. Particularly heartening is the Government’s stated objective to provide broadband digital access through various policy interventions. [...]

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