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Why Bengaluru’s Men Felt Entitled To Molest Women That Night

By |Categories: B.SAFE, Women Safety|

December 31, 2016 will go down in the memories of Bangaloreans as a very sad day to be remembered for all the wrong reasons. A city that always prided itself on being bold, progressive and safe for women proved to be a nightmare. On New Year's Eve, over 2 lakh people took the Metro and thousands of people converged on [...]

Environment Protection: can we?

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

Recently held Paris summit provided a platform for the Nations of the world to come to agreement on steps necessary to protect our environment by limiting carbon emissions; it aims to limit global warming and its estimated impact by limiting consumption of fossil fuels by the year 2030 and stabilize from thereon. This is a well intentioned statement of intent [...]

Road Safety and Me? Must be Kidding

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

Back in 80’s I used to drive with my boss, a man of brilliant mind, to workplace; this was following our decision to share the car on alternate days to save on petrol (mark of patriotism of those times when strife in the Middle East caused petroleum prices to shoot up). Being new to driving, I received a piece of [...]

Are our schools safe from fires? What can you do about it?

By |Categories: B.SAFE, Child Safety|

A park with a river right next to it. Colourful slides, beautiful wall paintings that encourage communal harmony amongst all, and greenery all around. Who would not want to spend some time in such a park? The answer to this could well be ‘the parents of the 94 children who lost their lives in the tragic fire accident in the [...]

Mobility in Bengaluru

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better|

In the transportation context, mobility refers to the movement of people. In the 1970’s and 80’s, it was common to hear people ask, “Are you mobile?” or “How mobile are you?” This invariably implied, “Do you have a set of wheels to take you where you need to go?” The reference was invariably to motorised transport, whether 2 wheels or [...]

POCSO through the eyes of a 16 year old

By |Categories: Child Safety, Women Safety|

The Protection of Child from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act has become a commonly heard term when it comes to child safety all over India. Being a 16 year old  it brings me a sense of comfort. But there exists several shortcomings. The first is to understand that POCSO cases need to be handled very differently compared to usual cases. This [...]

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