
Project Description

Terrace Farming: Agriculture in the urban jungle

By |Categories: B.GREEN|Tags: , , |

If you live in a dense and populous city such as Bangalore, space comes at an absolute premium. Chances are that you might not have access to an expansive backyard for all your gardening needs. This is where terrace gardening comes into play. In a world where healthy eating habits, organic food, and environmental awareness are rapidly becoming more widespread, [...]

Democracy: An in-depth look

By |Categories: Participatory Democracy Program, Policy, Politics|Tags: , |

The word democracy comes from the combination of 2 Greek words ‘Demos’ meaning people ‘Kratos’ meaning power or rule. It first came into existence in the Greek capital, Athens, where they followed a direct form of government. The simple idea of democracy is the rule of the people or where the people of the country have all the right to [...]


By |Categories: Elections, Policy, Politics|Tags: |

In the last decade of the 20th century, the need for good governance has been an important and recurring theme in the literature dealing with human development – both research and popular. There is now a growing body of evidence, which shows that the quality of governance is related to differentials in growth and development. However, much of this literature [...]

Embracing democracy and its imperfections

By |Categories: Participatory Democracy Program, Politics|Tags: |

Democracy is far from perfect. But I believe that fair value judgments of any system of government can only be made when it is accepted that there is no such thing as a perfect system. With this as the starting point, it is my opinion that it is only in a democracy that we can even hope to achieve perfection. [...]

What democracy represents

By |Categories: Participatory Democracy Program|Tags: |

Democracy, the great experiment of the west. Not a perfect system, but the next best thing. For any functioning democracy, the four pillars that hold it up must gleam in the light of this new dawn. They must propel our vision of democracy into the heavenly skies and out of reach of the knifing humans that seek to bring it down. But what is our vision of [...]

Failing The Lakes!

By |Categories: B.CLEAN, Making Bengaluru Better|

Failing to plan is planning to fail, the quote that best describes the management of Lakes in Bengaluru. Once upon a time, we were a city of 1000 Lakes and what is seen now is a weak attempt to save the 280 odd lakes that have turned into sewage pools. As the voices that are fighting to save the lakes [...]

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