
Project Description

The Future of Youth Vote in India

By |Categories: B.CLIP, B.PROUD, Making Bengaluru Better, Participatory Democracy Program, Policy|

India’s 2019 General Elections has recently concluded, and the country has experienced its highest voter turnout in decades. Of these, the votes of the ‘youth’ (which can be loosely defined as those between the ages of 18 and 25) have played a significant part in shaping the outcome of the election. With a median age of 29, India is undoubtedly a [...]

Property Tax Collection in Bengaluru

By |Categories: B.PROUD, Making Bengaluru Better, Participatory Democracy Program|

Property Tax is arguably the most important source of revenue for local municipal bodies. It is the only major source of revenue for such governing bodies and the only one which has the potential to grow as the city grows. The justification for charging a hefty property tax is based on two reasons.  One pays property tax because they have [...]

BBMP Ward Committees

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better, Participatory Democracy Program, Policy, Politics|

Ward Committees are an effective concept for citizen engagement at the ward level and critical to our local self-governance in the municipalities. They help in the decentralization of functions and provide better supervision for Ward governance.  Composition and functions of a Ward Committee are outlined in the 74th Constitutional amendment to ensure that there is equal representation for all sections [...]

She the Law-Maker

By |Categories: B.CLIP, Elections, Participatory Democracy Program, Politics, Uncategorized|

Millions of Women Elected Representatives in Panchayat and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) since 1993, yet we have fewer women in Assemblies and Parliament, while many men who were Elected in Panchayat or ULBs have made it to the Assemblies and Parliament, the Women are left far behind, making it a fit case to analyze why the women reservation is actually [...]

Common Minimum Program – keeping the interest of the citizens in a coalition government

By |Categories: Making Bengaluru Better, Participatory Democracy Program, Policy, Politics|

May 2018 elections to the Karnataka State Assembly threw up a hung house with no single political party able to garner majority mark. The situation lead to the formation of a government by two political parties, Indian National Congress and Janata Dal (S), without any pre-poll alliance, and who had fought the electoral battle bitterly. During the election campaigning, each [...]

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