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Constitution Day Of India

By |Categories: B.ENGAGED|

Interesting facts on the framework that upholds our nation “However good a Constitution may be, if those who are implementing it are not good, it will prove to be bad. However bad a Constitution may be, if those implementing it are good, it will prove to be good.” Dr. BR Ambedkar Every nation has a written constitution that summarises [...]


By |Categories: B.ENGAGED|

The earliest evidence of the existence of a place called Bengaluru comes from a stone inscription found at Naganatheshwara Temple, Begur. The hero stone dating back to 890 AD, written in Halegannada mentions that Buttanapathi, a warrior, died in ‘Bengaluru Kadana.’ This 1,100 year old relic, important in tracing the city's history, is today in a state of neglect. [...]

Fostering Civic Engagement Within The students

By |Categories: B.ENGAGED|

B.PAC’s Endeavours To Enable Active Participation Among Students India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35. In 2020, the average age of an Indian was 29 years, a lot of the students were under various technical and non-technical courses, but one aspect of their student [...]

Pothole free roads in Namma Bengaluru is possible?

By |Categories: B.ENGAGED|

Palikes road infrastructure tenders, workorder, quality of road delivery, passing the bill and opening the roads for citizen use Indian Road Congress(IRC), Urban Road design standards says following layers in a bituminous Pavement are to be maintained to have a long-lasting road, in general works tared roads. Bituminous Base Course, Bituminous Binder Course and  Bituminous Concrete Sub caste / [...]

Civic Literacy: Nation-Building Education that goes Beyond Politics

By |Categories: B.ENGAGED|

“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” – Thomas Jefferson Civic sensibility extends beyond simple road maintenance and planting trees. It is a holistic idea of becoming a reflection of responsible and a liable citizen. Imagine a city where everyone has a sense of responsibility for the economy, ecology, and society. They are [...]

CIRIS – For Bengaluru and beyond

By |Categories: B.GREEN|

“In Bengaluru, green space has declined from​ nearly 70%​ about 50 years ago to​ less than 3%​ in 2020” - Dr. TV Ramachandra et al., Indian Institute of Science Read that quote again. That is the reality we and the future generations have to live with and face every day that we spend living in Bengaluru. Once called the [...]

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