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To Google or not to Google… The New Age Conundrum – Digital Sustainability at Glance

By |Categories: B.GREEN|

Are you stuck with a new term but can’t seem to figure out it’s meaning? Are you stuck with an earworm but cannot recall the artist? Well, what do you do in these two scenarios?

Remodeling Our Approach towards Menstruation

By |Categories: Menstruation, Women Safety|Tags: , , , , |

Menstruation is one of the essential phases in the life of a woman. Despite it, menstruation is still considered taboo in many parts of India.

Origin of Different Perspectives On Menstruation: A Historical Overview

By |Categories: Menstruation, Women Safety|Tags: , , , |

Menstruation, a biological phenomenon unique to girls, is subject to the misogyny that manifests in taboos and myths that outcast women from many aspects of their socio-cultural life.

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